Drawing made simple and fun with english alphabets and numbers

Welcome to the world of drawing made simple. If you know the english alphabet and numbers we will show how easy it can be drawing using letters.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Police Officer: Why are you driving in a bathing suit?
Motorist: I'm in a car pool. :-)

According to some French inventor Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built the world's first automobile. In 1769, he invented self-propelled , steam vehicle that could travel only 2.5 miles per hour.While others had already built automobiles, Ford made a car with a simple engine that people could afford. Making his first Model-T in 1909, he sold about 11,000 of them in one year.
Let us draw a simple car here.

  • Start with upside down U.
  • Then write 5 and another upside down U as shown in next figure.
  • Write J at the free tip of U.
  • Start making window by writing another upside down U and joining the free edges with I.
  • Write I to divide the big window and then make tires with Os.

  • Make front light with a small U. Color and our car is ready to hit the road.
By the way which part of the car is always tired?
Tires ,Of Course !!

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