Drawing made simple and fun with english alphabets and numbers

Welcome to the world of drawing made simple. If you know the english alphabet and numbers we will show how easy it can be drawing using letters.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


What did the hen say after she laid 100 eggs?
I am eggs hausted :-).

It takes a hen 24-26 hours to lay an egg. A chicken takes 21 days to hatch. Special breed hens lay about 300 eggs in a year. They incubate their eggs and raise young ones. A mother hen turns her egg approximately 50 times in a day. This is so the yolk does not stick to the shell. Hen takes 24-26 hours to lay an egg.
Lets draw a hen. It is a few more steps, but again as I have said earlier they are just few more alphabets.

  • Start  with upside down J. You can think of it as a candy cane or upside down U joined with L
  • Write another small L at the free end of bigger L.
  • To make face write a small reverse C and then a big C for chest. Write another C to start making wing.
  •  My C was not big enough in the earlier figure. Make sure you write a big enough C.
  • Write 11 for feet, and M for beaks. Put dots for eye.
  • Make plumage with C, joined with three more Cs.
  • Join L and C of side wing with M to finish the side wing.
  • Write a series of crooked Vs to join the tip of C of plumage to the tip of 1 of second foot.
  • Write upside down U between feet and join them with I.
  • Write three upside down Us together for crown.
  • Write two flat Os more like oval for eggs.
Cook a Doodle do !!

Why do hens lay eggs?
Because if they dropped them they would break. :-).

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