Drawing made simple and fun with english alphabets and numbers

Welcome to the world of drawing made simple. If you know the english alphabet and numbers we will show how easy it can be drawing using letters.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


 What is small, cuddly and bright purple ?
A Koala holding its breath :-).

A koala has two thumbs on its hands, and the ridged skin on the bottom of its feet gives it traction for climbing trees.
Koalas have almost become extinct; but due to conservation efforts, koalas are making a comeback.
Lets draw another kind of Koala here.
  • Start by writing two number 3s.
  • Write U to join edge of 3 to make face.
  • Write small Os in each to make eye.

  • Write number 6 for each, just do not join the O of six.
  • Write tilted I for tree branch.
  • Write two sets of number 11 for both mummy and baby koala.
  • Write O for mouth.
Color and we are done!!

What do you call a Koala Bear with no ears ?
A Koala B :-)

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